Europa Opdræt af Norsk Skovkat

GIP. Europa's Lars Von Trier
Best in Show in Olomouc Tjekiet, both days 3/12 and 4/12-2011
Owner: Marlene Møller Hansen
Europa's Hyben Juba "Jugendchampion"
Owner: Won den Beisinger Waldtrollen
Sandra Baumann Germany
SC. Europa's Hilde Datter
BIS. Jyllinge 6/3-2011
Europa's Hubertus Jagt
at 19.03. and 20.03.2011
Owner: Sabine Keutner, Germany

Europa's Hyben Juba
Her First cat show last weekend (23./24. April 2011) in Lünen-Brambauer.

Saturday she gets her point and was nom. for best in show.
Sunday she gets two points, is now kitten champion, was nom. and gets
best in show and also best in variety.
Sandra Baumann "von den Beisinger Waldtrollen" Germany


Europa's James Bond født 03-11-1998 efter Europa's Jolly Joli & Silverwoods Big Brown Bastian
Ejer/Foto:Helen Emig

Europa's Hassel Urt
Owner: Monique Chopard,
switzerland, Naima's Breed
Far: IC. Europa's Undulat Dræber
Mor: IC. Europa's Jytte Hilden
Europa's Jeppe højris

Ejet af Lone og Torben Højris      
BIV. og Best in Show i Randers d. 1/9-01

Mor: EC. Europa's Julle Liv   Far: IC. Europa's håndbold Dreng
En glad vinner i Hedensted. Foto: Torben "DEFO"
EP. DSM. Europa's Jacob Haugaard
Vibeke og Morten med 
CAP. BIV. BIS. og BOB 1.Herlev d. 3/3-02
CAP. BIV. BIS. Hedensted d. 29/3-02
Mor: EC. Europa's Julle Liv   Far: IC. Europa's håndbold Dreng

Europa's Jord Egern
Mor: EC. Europa's Julle Liv Born 25.07.2004
Far: EC. S* Ewkala's Emilio
Ejer: Ines & Wolfgang Webers, Tyskland

Best in Show 3 gange

14.11.2004 in NL-Zutphen (NKFV) – 650 cats
12.12.2004 in D-Dortmund (ICC e.V.) – 250 cats
09.01.2005 in B-Duffel (ECA) – 450 cats

Europa's Jazz Uge
Europa's Jaguar Unge